How do I transfer my Subscription to XO Accounting?

Transferring your Xero subscription to XO Accounting

  1. Log into your Xero Ledger
  2. Click on Settings in the Menu across the top of the screen (Usually the last option on the right).
  3. Clcik on General Settings.
  4. Click on Subscription found in Organisation Section
  5. Click Manage Subscription
  6. Click on Options Down Arrow and Select Transfer Subscription
  7. Enter the name of the new subscriber as Michael Kirby
  8. Enter the email address as 
  9. then click Request transfer.

Please note you can only do this if you own the Xero Subscription.  If you do the subscription type will appear in the Subscription column. See above where is says "Standard".  If you do not the person whom owns the subscription name will appear.